We know our veterinarians spent years at school learning to care for animals, and then went into business to care for them every day. We can assume they are animal lovers through and through. So, it may come also as no surprise that some vets, like our Dr. Merri Walden, have a lot of pets at home. Dr. Merri, in fact, has dogs, cats, horses and even a goat – and that’s just at one of her family houses.
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We know that many people are in summer countdown mode, looking forward to their summer vacation plans. But as you plan out your itinerary and start your packing list, remember one important plan to make now: make sure your pets are cared for while you’re away.
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Many dog owners can predict the weather more by the state of their floors and furniture than by the temps outside: when the dog hair starts to pile up, it must be the start of warmer seasons. Other homeowners fight the shedding all year long.
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Is your dog blinking often? Does your dog have red eyes, or swollen tissue around the eye? Have you seen thick discharge from the eyes, or hair matting around the eyes from discharge? If you said yes to any of this, your dog may be dealing with dry eye syndrome, formally known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (or KCS).
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If you’ve just learned your pet needs surgery – whether it’s for a routine spay or neuter, or a more complicated case – it can be a stressful time for you and your dog or cat. During this time, it’s very important to follow all of your veterinarian’s instructions to ensure the surgery is successful and healing goes smoothly. This blog outlines what to expect before, the day of, and after surgery to help you plan for the event.
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Dog owners seem to always talk about breeds. They may always describe their dog by breed (“my Golden Retriever Sampson”) or talk about breeders like beloved stores (“the best Jack Russell breeder in South Carolina”). Breed names also offer a terminology for even non-pet-owners to help describe a dog’s appearance: “he has a Bulldog-like face” or “she has legs like a Greyhound.” But does that work for cat owners as well? Are there cat breed traits like dogs?
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The amount of food your cat needs depends on a variety of factors, including the cat’s weight, amount of daily activity, and any health concerns. Often, you can follow the advice listed on the back of food containers, which lists the weight of a cat and the amount of food needed per day.
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The season of Valentine’s Day often makes us reflect on the love we have in our lives. For many of us, we cherish our loving relationship with our pets. This can often lead to thoughts of increasing that love by adding another cat or dog to the home – either for your sake, or because you think your cat or dog would enjoy it. But do they? Do cats and dogs need other pets at home? And will your home be happier or crazier with another pet?
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