If you’ve spent any time outdoors in South Carolina, odds are you’ve come across a snake or two. And while snakes cause many of us to freak out, in reality, most snakes are harmless and will do their best to stay away from your dogs and out of your way.
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How old are you in “dog years?” It seems like someone decided that the magic formula for understanding how dogs age is to multiply human years by 7.
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Steps to keep your dogs happy and safe during Independence Day celebrations.
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Spartanburg has four beautiful seasons, and most of us love enjoying the best of each one. In summer, our many hiking trails and extra vacation time call us outdoors, but it’s important to keep everyone safe from one of the downsides of summer: the heat and humidity. As good pet parents, you need to know how to help your dogs stay cool during these long, hot days of summer.
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With the warm temperatures we’re now experiencing in South Carolina, there’s a higher likelihood of getting tick bites. But some pet parents may think they’re dogs aren’t in danger – because they live inside or rarely leave the city. But
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Vaccines are a critical part of basic pet care. They prevent disease, costly medical bills, and pet death. They reduce the spread of disease between pets and humans.
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Visiting the veterinarian can be stressful for both pets and their people. From navigating crates and car rides to sitting in waiting rooms and on the examination table, there are plenty of places where problems can come up.
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This blog continues our series on vaccinations – why your pets need them, and what diseases can they prevent? Today we’ll dive into learning about Feline Leukemia Virus, or FeLV, which is mostly prevented by a vaccine given to young kittens.
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