On October 12, it was reported that 10 people in Puerto Rico have suspected cases of Leptospirosis. Smart dog owners might recognize this disease as one of their dogs are vaccinated against. So why are human cases being reported?
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While you or your children may be in count-down mode for Halloween, your dog is likely not looking forward to the day.
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Distemper may sound like a behavioral condition, but it’s actually a severe illness with no known cure. Dogs, cats and ferrets can get distemper, so it’s important to have your pets vaccinated.
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While “distemper” may sound like the way a dog person describes a cat’s personality, it’s actually the name of a highly contagious and severe illness.
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Rabies is a horrible viral disease that can affect pets and people.
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Canine parvovirus (CPV), also known as parvo, is a highly contagious and dangerous virus in dogs.
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Kennel cough is the common term for infectious tracheobronchitis, a highly contagious respiratory infection in dogs. It’s also referred to as Bordetella, because Bordetella bronchiseptica is the most common type of bacteria that causes canine kennel cough, and the vaccine to prevent kennel cough is referred to as the Bordetella vaccine.
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Arlo is a friendly, 3-year-old boxer with the sweetest puppy-dog eyes, but don’t let that fool you – he’s his mama’s fearless protector. Arlo loves horseback riding (yes, he sits on the saddle!), which is a good thing, as he has five horse brothers at home.
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