Keep Cats Cool in Summer

Cat parents need to take special care in summer to ensure cats remain cool and don’t get overheated.
Cat parents need to take special care in summer to ensure cats remain cool and don’t get overheated.
Animal Clinic of Woodruff is now carrying Proheart 6, an injectable heartworm preventative for dogs. The key benefit of Proheart 6 is that a single injection provides 6 months of continuous heartworm prevention—meaning no more worrying about remembering to give monthly pills or chews.
Today’s “Employee Spotlight” highlights someone who epitomizes all three of these traits, Chris Satterfield. She’s also one of our longest serving veterinary assistants.
Canine Influenza, also known as CI or dog flu, is a highly contagious disease that can make dogs (and sometimes cats) very ill. At Animal Clinic of Woodruff, we currently vaccinate against another strain, the H3N8 influenza, which may also help reduce symptoms or stave off H3N2.
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