Our Blog

Vaccines for Warm Weather Risks

Vaccines for Warm Weather Risks

As the weather warms up, it’s likely that we’ll be venturing outside with our pets a lot more this spring! In this blog we'll discuss a few common risks to consider.

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Vet Spotlight: Dr. Merri

Vet Spotlight: Dr. Merri

Our March blog highlights the wonderful Dr. Merri! We get the scoop on her latest pets, and hear about one of the most memorable patients she’s ever had.

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5 Reasons Why We’re Thankful for Pets

5 Reasons Why We’re Thankful for Pets

Did you know that having pets can actually lower your risk of heart disease and other ailments? This blog highlights the many ways that pets bless us, each and every day!

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Sarcoptic Mange: Save Your Dog’s Skin from Scabies

Sarcoptic Mange: Save Your Dog’s Skin from Scabies

The illness we call “mange” on dogs is actually sarcoptic mange, also known as canine scabies. It’s not an illness but rather an infestation of microscopic mites – the parasite known as Sarcoptes scaeibi.

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When to Seek Emergency Care

When to Seek Emergency Care

Animal Clinic of Woodruff is here for your emergency vet care needs. But we know that sometimes, it can be difficult to know whether your pet’s symptoms warrant taking them to the vet for emergency care.

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Facts about the Feline Distemper Vaccine

Facts about the Feline Distemper Vaccine

In the past, “feline panleukopenia” also known as “FP” or “feline distemper, was a leading cause of death in cats. This is a highly contagious, hardy viral disease caused by the feline parovirus. Today, thanks to the widespread effectiveness of the vaccine, it is less common.

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Shining a Light on our Employees: Karen Schuur

Shining a Light on our Employees: Karen Schuur

At Animal Clinic of Woodruff, we think it’s important to shine a light on our team members. This month, we’re celebrating 16 wonderful years with one employee who has a passion for the veterinary field.

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Heat Stroke: Knowing Your Dog’s Had Too Much

Heat Stroke: Knowing Your Dog’s Had Too Much

Playing outside with your dog is a summer tradition, but sometimes excessive fun in the hot summer sun can be too much for your pet. We’ll outline the prevention, symptoms, and initial treatment of heat stroke so that you and your dog can have a safe summer of fun together.

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