Dr. Merri’s Many Pets

Dr. Merri’s Many Pets

We know our veterinarians spent years at school learning to care for animals, and then went into business to care for them every day. We can assume they are animal lovers through and through. So, it may come also as no surprise that some vets, like our Dr. Merri Walden, have a lot of pets at home. Dr. Merri, in fact, has dogs, cats, horses and even a goat – and that’s just at one of her family houses.

Meet Dr. Merri

Here’s a list of all of Dr. Merri’s pets that live with her family on their farm in Spartanburg:

Dogs: 1: Cash, a black Labrador

Cats: 5: Millie, Thelma, Surrey, Tiger and James Bond (“007”)

Horses: 6: Fly, Doc, Wren, Jessie, Balia and Zena

Goats: 1: Goat (yup, that’s her name)

Goldfish: Goldie and Lightening

Dr. Merri’s parents also live in the Spartanburg area, so her daughter, Finn, keeps pets at “Mimi and Papa’s” house as well. Finn and her grandparents’ pets include:

Dogs: 4: Rio, a black Labrador; Luna, a Malinois Shepherd; Max, an Anatolian Shepherd; and Buddy, a long-haired Dachshund mix

Cats: many

Horses: 7, including Finn’s own quarter horse named T Rose

Chickens: many

Worms: a farm of them

Thankfully, Dr. Merri is able to provide veterinary care to all of her many pets, ensuring the home animals and farm animals stay healthy and well cared for. Patients of Dr. Merri can take heart knowing that their veterinarian truly has a soft spot in her heart for all animals…and she’ll likely know first-hand what it’s like at your house raising pets. If you have a pet question, you can feel confident that Dr. Merri knows how to help.

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