Our Blog

Behind the Scenes with an ACOW Vet Assistant

Behind the Scenes with an ACOW Vet Assistant

At Animal Clinic of Woodruff, a Vet Assistant’s main job is to assist vets in the diagnosis and treatment of animals in a clinic or animal hospital setting. You can think of a Vet Assistant just like a lab tech or how a nurse assists a doctor.

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Animal Clinic of Woodruff: How It All Began

Animal Clinic of Woodruff: How It All Began

Take a walk down memory lane with us in our blog about how our story began, from a simple dream to the bustling, thriving vet clinic we are today.

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Vet Spotlight: Dr. Merri

Vet Spotlight: Dr. Merri

Our March blog highlights the wonderful Dr. Merri! We get the scoop on her latest pets, and hear about one of the most memorable patients she’s ever had.

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Shining a Light on our Employees: Karen Schuur

Shining a Light on our Employees: Karen Schuur

At Animal Clinic of Woodruff, we think it’s important to shine a light on our team members. This month, we’re celebrating 16 wonderful years with one employee who has a passion for the veterinary field.

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Dr. Merri’s Many Pets

Dr. Merri’s Many Pets

We know our veterinarians spent years at school learning to care for animals, and then went into business to care for them every day. We can assume they are animal lovers through and through. So, it may come also as no surprise that some vets, like our Dr. Merri Walden, have a lot of pets at home. Dr. Merri, in fact, has dogs, cats, horses and even a goat – and that’s just at one of her family houses.

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Employee Spotlight: Sam Scruggs

Employee Spotlight: Sam Scruggs

Sam Scruggs is one of Animal Clinic of Woodruff’s veterinary technicians. She’s been a vet tech for 12 years, and has been with ACOW for almost 6 of those, having joined our staff in 2011.

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Employee Spotlight: Christopher Crenshaw

Employee Spotlight: Christopher Crenshaw

Office Manager Chris Crenshaw has been a part of Animal Clinic of Woodruff for 16 years – in fact, he helped design and build the clinic!

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Employee Spotlight: Taylor Satterfield

Employee Spotlight: Taylor Satterfield

Taylor Satterfield started working at Animal Clinic of Woodruff as a kennel assistant. She was responsible for keeping pets clean, fed and happy during their stay with us, either as boarders or patients

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