With the warm temperatures we’re now experiencing in South Carolina, there’s a higher likelihood of getting tick bites. But some pet parents may think they’re dogs aren’t in danger – because they live inside or rarely leave the city. But
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Vaccines are a critical part of basic pet care. They prevent disease, costly medical bills, and pet death. They reduce the spread of disease between pets and humans.
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This blog continues our series on vaccinations – why your pets need them, and what diseases can they prevent? Today we’ll dive into learning about Feline Leukemia Virus, or FeLV, which is mostly prevented by a vaccine given to young kittens.
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Hepatitis means an inflammation of the liver. In pets, as in humans, the liver is an essential organ in the body. It helps digest and metabolize food, and clears the body of toxins. The liver also produces bile, which is necessary for digestion.
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You may have heard a news report recently about a rabid bat killing a person. Or the warning to avoid parts of Atlanta due to a rabid cat. It can sometimes feel like people are making a big deal over a weird, rare disease. Is rabies worth all this hype and concern?
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On October 12, it was reported that 10 people in Puerto Rico have suspected cases of Leptospirosis. Smart dog owners might recognize this disease as one of their dogs are vaccinated against. So why are human cases being reported?
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Distemper may sound like a behavioral condition, but it’s actually a severe illness with no known cure. Dogs, cats and ferrets can get distemper, so it’s important to have your pets vaccinated.
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While “distemper” may sound like the way a dog person describes a cat’s personality, it’s actually the name of a highly contagious and severe illness.
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