When to Seek Emergency Care

When to Seek Emergency Care

Animal Clinic of Woodruff is here for your emergency vet care needs. But we know that sometimes, it can be difficult to know whether your pet’s symptoms warrant taking them to the vet for emergency care. Here is a reference list of symptoms that can help you make the all-important decision to either seek care, or call our office for immediate consultation.

Ask my Vet about Emergency Symptoms
Animal Emergencies can include:

  • Choking/difficulty breathing, or coughing and gagging that won’t stop.
  • Severe Bleeding or moderate bleeding that lasts at least 5 minutes.
  • Fractured bones, lameness, or the inability to move leg(s)
  • Inability to urinate or pass feces (and/or pain associated with it), or blood in urine.
  • The possibility that your pet may have ingested something poisonous
  • Injuries to your pet’s eye(s)
  • Seizures and/or staggering
  • Bleeding from the mouth, nose, rectum or coughing up blood.
  • Heat stress or signs of heatstroke
  • Severe diarrhea or vomiting
  • Signs of extreme pain or anxiety
  • Refusal to drink water for more than 24 hours
  • Unconsciouness

Additionally, it’s important that you should be aware of the following information so that in an emergency, you can make the right choice:

  • Know Animal Clinic of Woodruff’s emergency phone number (864.576.9800). We are available for emergency visits during regular business hours. For after-hours care, we will refer you to one of our local emergency clinics.
  • Know the Poison Control Center number (888.426.4435)
  • Know how to stop bleeding and apply a simple pressure wrap on your pet.
  • Know how to muzzle your pet (so that your pet won’t bite you if they are injured.)

If your pet is experiencing these or any additional emergency symptoms, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Being prepared in case of an emergency is the best gift that you can give your pet. At Animal Clinic of Woodruff, we care deeply about your pet’s health and well-being. We’re here for you and your pet no matter what the situation.

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